Fed Appoints 4 to Community Advisory Council

Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve Board on Friday announced four new members of its Community Advisory Council (CAC).

The CAC is composed of a diverse group of experts and representatives of consumer, workforce, and community development organizations and interests. CAC members provide information, advice, and recommendations to the Board on relevant policy matters and emerging issues of interest.

The four new members of the CAC were selected from a pool of individuals who applied to the Board's public call for applications. These members will replace: former Chair Tawney Brunsch, Dr. Susan Bradbury, Stephanie Mackay, and Lora Smith who all departed at the end of 2022. Each new member will serve a three-year term.

The new members of the CAC are:

Carlos J. Contreras III

President & CEO, Goodwill Industries of San Antonio

San Antonio, Texas

Fearn Gupton

Rural Development Manager

South Carolina Department of Commerce

Columbia, S.C.

Michelle Ka'uhane

Senior Vice President & Chief Impact Officer

Hawaii Community Foundation

Honolulu, Hawaii

Megan Langley

Executive Director

Strengthen North Dakota

Souris, N.D.

These individuals will join eleven existing members and will be led by incoming Chair Daniel Betancourt and incoming Vice Chair Christie McCravy. The Council is scheduled to meet May 18 and October 19, 2023. Records of previous meetings may be found here.

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