Federal Backing Powers Clean Energy at Carleton Univ

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Across Canada, institutions, businesses, and communities are stepping up to build a more sustainable future, including by investing in innovation and deploying more clean technologies that help to cut costs and support the economy.

Today, Member of Parliament Yasir Naqvi, on behalf of the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, announced funding of over $1.6 million to Carleton University through the Decarbonization Incentive Program.

The funding will be used to replace a natural gas steam boiler with an electric boiler in the University's central heating plant. The project is expected to cut over 2,900 tonnes of emissions in 2030, equivalent to taking 888 gas-powered cars off the road for a year.

The Government of Canada is supporting businesses, institutions, and communities to adopt innovative lower-cost, clean energy technologies-including renewable power and energy efficiency upgrades.

The Government of Canada remains committed to addressing climate change and recognizes the leadership role that industries play in driving meaningful environmental solutions. Through partnerships and projects like these, the Government of Canada can accelerate collective efforts to build a sustainable and prosperous future for all Canadians.

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