Federal Funds Boost Canadian Community Buildings

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Today, the Honourable Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, announced a federal investment of more than $153.8 million through the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program to support 70 projects across multiple regions in Canada. This investment will help create energy-efficient, climate-resilient, and accessible community spaces that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support the transition to net-zero building standards.

For families, these initiatives mean access to safer, healthier, and more welcoming public spaces, where children can play, learn, and grow. Community hubs, recreational centers, and cultural spaces will become more vibrant, fostering social connections and a sense of belonging. By supporting local job creation and economic growth, these projects will provide new opportunities, strengthening communities for generations to come.

Through investments in sustainability and accessibility, these projects align with Canada's commitment to building a more equitable future-one where every person regardless of age, ability, or background has the opportunity to succeed and every community can reach its full potential.

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