Federal Funds Boost Queensland Regional Airports

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Albanese Government will invest over $6 million to bring 11 regional airport projects to life across Queensland, under Round 4 of the Regional Airports Program.

Airports are vital for regional communities, providing critical access to emergency healthcare, as well as commerce, industry, tourism and education.

These projects will include runway, apron and taxiway upgrades, lighting installation, generator replacements and drainage works - which will improve airport safety and enhance accessibility.

In Hervey Bay, $234,631 will support Fraser Coast Regional Council to replace the perimeter fencing and emergency generator at Hervey Bay Airport.

This will ensure the airport's ongoing safety and security, which provides vital aviation access for the community, tourism, essential workers and medical flights.

In Roma, nearly $1.16 million will flow to Maranoa Regional Council to upgrade the general aviation apron at Roma Airport, to support reliable and safer access for aero‑medical, firefighting, charter, freight, tourism and other general aviation services.

Other works to be funded under Round 4 in Queensland include:

  • More than $1 million for the Gladstone Airport Corporation to construct a fit-for-purpose patient transfer facility at Gladstone Airport, primarily to be used by the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

  • $795,097 for Gympie Regional Council to reseal the runway and taxiway, strengthen the apron, and do line marking and drainage works at Gympie Aerodrome, to improve pilot and aircraft safety while ensuring reliable access to the airstrip.

  • $426,196 for Southern Downs Regional Council to upgrade the lighting system at Stanthorpe Aerodrome, to meet safety standards and improve usability by aircraft - especially during low visibility conditions and night operations.

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