Federal Opposition Backs Western Highway, Council Cheers

Western Highway 2025

Melton City Council has welcomed an announcement from the Federal opposition that, if elected, they will deliver on the $1 billion Commonwealth budget commitment, to upgrade the Western Highway, between Melton and Caroline Springs.

While details of the upgrades are to be confirmed, funding will go towards improving capacity and safety and is expected to include extra lanes and upgrades to key interchanges.

The Victorian Government will deliver the upgrades, which will be based on the recommendations of the recently completed Western Highway business case.

City of Melton Mayor, Cr Steve Abboushi said this was more great news for our community and strong recognition of the need to upgrade the Western Highway for all users.

"This is a critically important transport route, and this investment will help tens of thousands of daily commuters, including those getting to and from work and those moving goods across the state," Cr Abboushi said.

"We now look to the Victorian Government, who will deliver the upgrades, to provide details on specific upgrades to be delivered, the investment pipeline and timelines for delivery."

Over 86,000 vehicles, including more than 5400 trucks are estimated to travel along the Western Highway between Melton and Caroline Springs each day and traffic modelling projects that this will increase to over 110,000 vehicles.

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