Federal-Provincial Partnership Boosts Saskatchewan Infrastructure

Infrastructure Canada

The federal and provincial governments are investing more than $309 million for infrastructure projects across Saskatchewan.

The City of Saskatoon is expanding their Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. The two new lines will help Saskatoon Transit support the City's continued growth while making transit a more convenient for all. A fibre optic network will also improve the tracking and reporting of the bus routes making them more efficient.

SaskPower's Distributed Generation Enablement Project will result in new power lines and enable new generation projects, including wind and solar facilities, helping make low and non-carbon emitting power generation possible in the province.

A new water supply and treatment plant in the Town of Rosthern will include a back-up generator and water reservoir storage to support current drinking water needs while accommodating future growth. The project also includes a new communication system, upgrades to two existing well control buildings, and the demolition of the old water treatment plant.

More details about all the projects can be found in the accompanying backgrounder.

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