Feds Back Hazel McCallion LRT Extension in Brampton

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Reliable public transit is important to economic growth, reducing air pollution, and building affordable, connected communities.

Today, the Honourable Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, announced the federal government's intention to support the Hazel McCallion LRT Extension in Brampton as part of the Metro-Region Agreement (MRA) stream of the Canada Public Transit Fund (CPTF).

Brampton is one of the fastest growing cities in Canada. For that reason, it is vital that public transit continues to expand to meet the needs of its residents. The Hazel McCallion LRT is an 18-kilometre, 19-stop light rail transit project currently under construction from Port Credit GO station in Mississauga to Brampton's Gateway Terminal. By extending this LRT by approximately four kilometres, the project aims to provide better transit options to residents and connect more people to downtown Brampton.

Funding will be conditional on meeting the requirements of the MRA stream, including the development of an Integrated Regional Plan and the signing of a Metro Region Agreement for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, meeting all housing conditionality requirements, receiving a completed project business case from the Province of Ontario, and approval by the federal government.

Growing public transit infrastructure across the country is a key priority, notably where it supports key housing targets and encourages the construction of housing near transit.

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