Feds Fund Inclusive Skills Hub in Scarborough

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Minister Nathaniel Erskine-Smith announced a federal investment of more than $7.2 million to design and construct the Skills Training Centre (STC).

Focused on upskilling and reskilling for high-demand careers, the STC will train individuals in skilled trades and trucking, in partnership with employers. Funding, provided through the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program, will bring together employers, social service agencies, educational institutions and training providers through training programs and employability skills development. Designed to be inclusive, accessible, and net-zero, the new facility will feature an industrial workshop, multi-purpose spaces and classrooms. Once complete, the STC will expand capacity to provide industrial training space and increase available multi-purpose spaces that are also accessible.

Through this project, the Toronto Business Development Centre (TBDC) is responding to the need for more skills development training in Scarborough.

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