Feds Fund Transit, Urban Trees in Saint John

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Federal funding will support the Saint John Transit Commission and the Saint John Urban Tree project with a combined investment of over $7 million.

Through the new Canada Public Transit Fund's Baseline Funding stream, the Saint John Transit Commission will receive an annual funding allocation amounting to over $6.3 million over 10 years. Funding will upgrade, replace, or modernize Saint John's public transit infrastructure, and maintain it in a state of good repair.

Through the Natural Infrastructure Fund, Saint John will receive over $770,000 to plant over 1,100 trees across the municipality. This project will strengthen the existing natural infrastructure in the city against the impacts of climate change and provide better access to natural environments.

By working together to invest in public transit and supporting natural infrastructure projects in Saint John, we are helping to ensure that this community continues to have the capacity to meet the demands of a growing and thriving population.

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