Feds & Northwest Territories Boost Northern Transport

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Four communities in the Northwest Territories will see improvements to their transportation infrastructure after an investment of $13,908,056 from the federal government.

The Town of Hay River is regularly impacted by springtime flooding of the Hay River. This project will raise Airport Road and the water plant's access road to reduce impact. Furthermore, paving the most at-risk section of the road with asphalt and installing water draining infrastructure will improve its resilience to flooding and associated damage. This project will assist in protecting vital infrastructure, reducing damage to properties, and ensuring the safety and stability of the community.

Making adaptation investments now will have major economy-wide benefits later. Every dollar that is invested in adapting and preparing for climate-related disasters can return as much as $13 to $15 in benefits.

Additional projects include the major rehabilitation of Fort Liard's access road, the construction of a multipurpose trail around Thebacha Recreational Area in Fort Smith, and the purchase of a wheelchair accessible passenger vehicle to provide on-demand transportation services in Fort Simpson and surrounding communities. These projects aim to improve the health, connectivity and safety of these communities.

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