Feds, Whitby Pledge Revamp for Seniors Recreation Center

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

The 55+ Recreation Centre will be rejuvenated thanks to a federal investment of nearly $800,000.

Announced by Member of Parliament Ryan Turnbull and Mayor Elizabeth Roy, the investment will enhance energy efficiency and increase accessibility at the 55+ Recreation Centre.

The project will upgrade key equipment at the facility, resulting in a more comfortable experience for staff and users, reduced energy costs and emissions, and an improved ability to meet the needs of changing activities at the centre. Equipment upgrades will include new air handling units, rooftop unit condensers, replacement of hot water tanks, and building automation system upgrades.

Work will also enhance the Customer Service Desk, improving accessibility. The installation of high-efficiency windows will reduce heat loss and improve energy efficiency. Exterior halide lights will be replaced with LEDs to further reduce energy requirements at the facility.

The 55+ Recreation Centre supports senior residents to engage in social and physical activities. Improvements for this facility will help to make the facility more inclusive and accessible for users of all ages, while extending its lifespan and reducing its impact on the environment.

Project funding is subject to the negotiation and signing of a contribution agreement between the Government of Canada and the recipient.

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