Feedback Sought on Queanbeyan Intersection Upgrades


The Minns Labor Government is continuing work to build better connected regional communities, with the proposed design of a major Queanbeyan intersection at Ellerton Drive, Yass and Bungendore roads unveiled today.

When completed, the intersection upgrade will reduce congestion, improve safety and provide better pedestrian and cyclist connectivity.

Under the proposed design, traffic lights will replace the existing roundabout to improve safety by better controlling traffic flow and reducing the likelihood of crashes.

The design includes:

  • two through lanes in all directions
  • dedicated left and right turn lanes on all legs
  • signalised pedestrian crossings on all roads at the intersection
  • on-road cycle lanes from Ellerton Drive to Yass Road
  • relocation of the bus stop on Bungendore Road
  • installation of a new bus stop on Ellerton Drive and
  • upgraded footpaths.

Community members can provide their feedback on the designs by completing a survey available at

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