Orange City Council is urging residents to nominate a deserving local citizen, community group or business for the 2024 Orange Australia Day Awards.
Orange Mayor Jason Hamling said the deadline for nominations had been extended to Monday 8 January.
"It's a busy time of year but I encourage residents to take five minutes out of their day and give a local unsung hero the recognition they deserve," Cr Hamling said.
2023 Orange Citizen of the Year Pip Waters (front, centre) received the award for her support of Ukranian refugees in the Central West.
"Don't assume someone else is going to do it. If you know a person, a community group or a business that goes the extra mile for the good of others, nominate them for an award and show them how much we all appreciated their efforts."
Orange Australia Day Community Committee Chair Matthew Chisholm said there were many deserving groups and individuals out there who made a real difference in our community.
"Nominating someone for an Australia Day award recognises their outstanding achievements and significant contributions to the Orange community," Mr Chisholm said.
"The nomination process is quick and easy and as simple as logging on to the Orange City Council website and filling out an online form."
The seven award categories are:
- The Citizen of the Year Award recognises an individual who has achieved something extraordinary, is an inspirational role model to others or who has made a sustained outstanding contribution to the local community.
- The Young Citizen of the Year Award recognises an individual under 25 years of age who has achieved something extraordinary, is an inspirational role model to others or who has made a sustained outstanding contribution to the local community.
- The Community Group of the Year Award recognises a group who has made a valuable contribution to the Orange community throughout the year.
- The Community Event of the Year Award recognises an event that has made a valuable contribution to the community. This will be determined both in relation to the quality of the event and the scope of impact on the local government area.
- The Local Legend Award recognises a person who has moulded the Orange local community with outstanding, illustrious or renowned achievement.
- The Business Philanthropy Award recognises a business that seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money or services to the community and good causes.
- The Environmental Citizen/Group Award recognises individuals and organisations championing environmental initiatives in the Orange community.
Nomination forms can be found on Council's website at at the Civic Centre or the Orange Visitor Information Centre.
Nominations will be assessed by the Australia Day Committee and the winners will be announced at Australia Day celebrations on Friday 26 January 2024.