Final Call for Early Bird Tickets: Swedish Suicide Research Conference

In May, the Swedish Suicide Research Conference (SSRC) will take place, bringing together national and international experts and researchers in suicidology and suicide prevention - secure your ticket today.

Until March 14th, you can register at a discounted Early Bird rate, after which the fee will increase to the regular price.

This is the inaugural SSRC. Keynote speakers at the conference include Matteo Bottai (SE), Annette Erlangsen (DK), Jennifer Hughes (US), Monica Hultcrantz (SE), Erkki Isometsä (FI), Nav Kapur (GB), Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz (SE), and Ping Qin (NO) among others.

The conference will be held on May 5-6 at the World Trade Center Stockholm. SSRC is organised by the National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention (NASP) at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME) and Region Stockholm, with financial support from Forte.

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