Final Call for Theatre Ballarat's 150th Jubilee

Her Majesty's Theatre Ballarat is preparing to throw a huge celebration in honour of the building's 150th birthday.

The significant milestone will involve three specular shows this weekend, with the newly-renovated facility to come alive in a burst of birthday fun.

Tickets are fast running out to be a part of the event, which is certain to ring in the grand theatre's milestone in style.

  • The three events to be featured as part of the birthday will be:
  • A gala featuring some of Australia's biggest names in comedy.
  • A local music community takeover of the entire building that will see more than just the stage come to life, plus the debut performance of a newly-written anthem about Ballarat.

An interactive adventure aimed at families and young children that will enable access to hidden places within the theatre that are normally off-limits to guests.

With Her Majesty's Theatre Ballarat now fully accessible following the $16.3 million stage three redevelopment that was supported by $10 million from the State Government, the iconic venue is once again a thriving cultural hub.

City of Ballarat Mayor, Cr Tracey Hargreaves said the 150th Birthday celebrations would be the launch of a new era for the theatre and give the public unprecedented access to the venue.

"The most amazing part about this show is that it's not just limited to the stage, the entire theatre is going to come alive," she said.

"The performance of the Ballarat anthem is going to be another highlight and I can't wait to see that when it is revealed.

"Since re-opening to the public last year, Her Majesty's Theatre has been a hive of activity and it's brilliant to see people flooding through the doors once again.

"2025 marks 150 years of Victoria's oldest and most beautiful theatre being the premier venue presenting arts and entertainment experiences to, not just Ballarat, but broader western Victoria. The 150th Birthday celebrations will kick off a year of the most exciting shows and experiences for our region to make the most of."

Event schedule

Friday, 31 January: Fun Night Only (Comedy Gala)

Kick off the celebrations with a comedy gala filled with laughter and joy.

Featuring some of the biggest names in Australian comedy, including Tom Ballard, Zoë Coombs Marr, and Dilruk Jayasinha, this night promises to be unforgettable.

February 1: Birthday Party! (Local Music Community Takeover)

We're handing the keys to the theatre over to local musicians and community groups for a musical experience like no other. The entire theatre (not just the stage) will come alive with musical surprises around every corner - it's far from your typical stage show.

The day will culminate in a concert featuring an anthem specially written for Ballarat by our local creative community.

February 2: UPSIDEDOWNINSIDEOUT (Interactive Adventure)

An interactive adventure for children and their families, involving clues and puzzles throughout the entire theatre.

This event, originally commissioned by Arts Centre Melbourne, will enable our community to discover hidden places that are normally off-limits to guests.

Gather a group of up to six people and choose your preferred time slot and get ready for an unforgettable experience.

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