Final design for replacement play space at Wentworth Falls Lake

An exciting and adventurous inclusive play space is set to replace the older playground on the lake foreshore at Wentworth Falls Lake District Park.

Kids playing at Wentworth Falls Park - artist illustration

Council received hundreds of survey responses from the community when it asked for feedback on the design. The renewed play area will include:

  • Sky climbing tower with tunnel slide.
  • Double slide coming off an elevated platform which connects to the Sky Climber via rope climbing access.
  • Triple bay swing set with infant seat, 2 x traditional sash swings, small nest swing and inclusive boat seat under a shade sail.
  • Bushwood balance trails and climbing nets.
  • Inclusive colourful carousel.
  • Sensory equipment such as infinity mirror, musical instruments and tactile interactive tunnel.
  • Fully accessible timber decking with seating, under the tree canopy facing out toward the lake.
  • Plus areas for quiet play and downtime.

Council secured $200,000 through the 'Everyone Can Play' grant which will top up Council's contribution of $400,000 to make this place space happen.

Blue Mountains Mayor Mark Greenhill said: "The community was presented with two options over December and January with over 400 people undertaking the survey.

"Both options were very well received and we've been able to pull the most popular elements from each option to create this play space for the community."

The survey results also indicated a strong preference for fencing around the perimeter of the play space. "Child safety is paramount and the need for a fence is essential given the proximity to the water and a road," Mayor Mark Greenhill said.

The soft fall will be an earthy colour in keeping with the natural landscape and more than 25 trees will be planted throughout the foreshore. Two non-native trees will be removed before construction starts in the first week of March.

The play space is expected to be completed by June.

The Wentworth Falls Lake Park Plan of Management, Masterplan and the Western Sydney City Deal Livability Program are still in development with further community consultation planned later in the year.

All four district parks in the Blue Mountain - including Glenbrook District Park, Springwood's Buttenshaw Park and Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park - are receiving upgrades valued at more than $5.2 million as part of this program of works. The Glenbrook District Park Playground Stage 2 is almost complete.

To keep up to date with what's happening at Wentworth Falls Lake, or to see all the final designs, go to Have Your Say website at:

Photo: The final design concepts of the play space to be built at Wentworth Falls Lake Park.

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