Final Report on Rail Safety National Law Review Published


Our Rail Safety National Law supports a seamless and coordinated approach to rail safety regulation in Australia.

To keep it up to date we recently conducted a targeted review of the law.

While the Rail Safety National Law was a landmark reform when enacted in 2012, replacing 46 pieces of State, Territory and Commonwealth legislation and creating the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR), the targeted review presented an opportunity to look at how effective the law has been.

During the course of the review we engaged with 39 interested stakeholders including state and territory governments, regulators, industry representatives and unions and received 17 submissions.

The review found that over all the law was operating well and that the focus on safety should be maintained.

Other recommendations in the report include a more proactive role for the ONRSR in achieving rail interoperability in line with our National Rail Action Plan, while also promoting innovation and productivity across the national rail network.

You can read the full report here.

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