The Fire Danger Period (FDP) will finish at 1.00am on 06 April in the following municipalities in CFA's District 5:
• Southern Grampians
• Moyne
According to the latest Australian Seasonal Outlook, above average summer rainfall has led to a reduced bushfire risk for autumn.
These conditions have led to a reduced fire activity in both grasslands and forests this summer.
Much of Victoria will continue to experience milder conditions and lower bushfire potential over the coming months.
CFA Acting Assistant Chief Fire Officer David Ferguson said recent rain and the changing of the seasons has combined to reduce the fire danger across the district.
"Locally across CFA District 5 we still have a lot of dry grass. However the recent rainfall has seen a lot of new green growth come through, especially in the south. This had moderated the fuel conditions in the grasslands, and helped reduce fire risk in the forests. Coupled with the waning weather conditions, volunteer leaders across the district are comfortable with lifting restrictions," he said.
A/ACFO Ferguson emphasised that while the FDP is coming to an end in some areas, it is still important to remain vigilant.
"We're urging everyone to stay safe, whether you're living in or travelling to high bushfire risk areas," he said.
"Please monitor the conditions on hot, dry and windy days, as we may still see some days of elevated fire risk."
While the Fire Danger Period will come to an end, it is still important that residents check the local conditions are safe for any burn-off they were considering undertaking.
"You must register your burn-offs, check weather conditions and follow local council laws and regulations," A/ACFO Ferguson said.
"Registering your burn-off ensures that if somebody reports smoke, the incident will be cross-checked with the burn-off register, which will then prevent CFA crews wasting resources and showing up at your door."
Landowners can now register their burn-off online at