First Comprehensive Stroke Centers Certified In India

American Heart Association

Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in India and the fifth leading cause of disability.[1] To establish a coordinated system of care for stroke in the country, Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad, Telangana, and Aster Hospital in Calicut, Kerala, are the first in India to be certified as Comprehensive Stroke Centers by the American Stroke Association.

Launched in India last year, certifications from American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, devoted to a world of healthier lives for all, recognize hospitals that have the necessary state-of-the-art equipment, infrastructure, staff and training to quickly diagnose and best treat patients with the most complex strokes.

"It is up to us to create a better world for everyone," said D.P. Suresh, M.D., FAHA, volunteer member of the American Heart Association's International Committee. "The American Heart Association remains committed to reducing the impact of heart disease and stroke for patients everywhere. Using science-based methods for stroke assessment, diagnosis and treatment is essential to improving outcomes—saving lives and lowering the risk of long-term disability."

There are currently two stroke certification classifications available in India: Comprehensive Stroke Center and Primary Stroke Center. Comprehensive Stroke Centers must document rigorous standards and requirements, including advanced imaging and treatment capabilities, 24/7 availability of specialized treatments, participation in research, and staff and physicians with the unique education and competencies to care for complex stroke patients. The Association surveyors determine if a hospital met or exceeded all required standards.

Facilities seeking Primary Stroke Center certification must demonstrate the ability to care for patients with acute ischemic stroke, transfer protocols to a Comprehensive Stroke Center, stroke-specific educational requirements for all disciplines caring for stroke patients, data collection and a robust stroke quality improvement initiative.

In addition to the stroke certifications, the Association is piloting a Comprehensive Chest Pain certification. These certification programs are part of the Association's efforts to establish, improve and support heart disease and stroke care around the world.

Learn more about the Stroke Center certification at

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