First Look at Future NW Mental Health Precinct

Tasmanian Government

The concept designs for the new Mental Health Precinct at the North West Regional Hospital have been released.

Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Roger Jaensch, said the $40 million project forms part of Stage 1 of the North West Hospitals Masterplan.

The new North West Mental Health Precinct will be located to the south of the North West Regional Hospital main entrance, on a greenfield site near the recently constructed Burnie Ambulance Station.

"The Mental Health Precinct will provide essential acute mental health services and will support contemporary, best practice models of care and reflect modern standards in mental health facility design," Minister Jaensch said.

"The design includes a 22-bed mental health inpatient unit plus a five-bed short stay unit to replace the current Spencer Clinic. The inpatient unit will provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals in crisis, ensuring they receive immediate care and treatment."

The proposed building will feature access from the existing internal hospital road network to a welcoming main entrance foyer, providing direct access to acute services, clinical appointments, and inpatient visitors in a respectful and inviting manner.

Parking with easy access to the building is included, and the design will feature healing gardens to allow staff, patients, and visitors to engage with therapeutic landscapes.

"The Tasmanian Government is delivering record investment to improve the mental health of our community as part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future," Minister Jaensch said.

"An enormous $320 million is being invested in our Mental Health Infrastructure Program through the 2024/25 Budget."

The community can find out more and provide comment about the concept design at two drop-in information sessions, to be held at the North West Regional Hospital Integrated Operations Centre (access from Main Entrance Foyer):

* Thursday, 27 March 2025, between 11:00am – 2:00pm

* Saturday, 29 March 2025, between 11:00am – 2:00pm

Subject to achieving the necessary approvals, construction is expected to begin in late 2025 with completion in 2027.

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