First Nations Digital Inclusion Consultation Extended

The First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group has extended its consultation which seeks feedback on how government and industry can better support First Nations people to access the internet and media they need to make decisions about their lives and communities.

The Advisory Group is seeking your feedback on the proposed long-term roadmap, and wants to hear your views on:

  • the ability for First Nations people to access the internet
  • the affordability of internet services for First Nations people
  • the ability for First Nations people to get online and use the internet safely
  • the appropriateness of government and industry services and products for First Nations people
  • the sustainability of the First Nations media and broadcasting sector
  • consumer protections for First Nations Australians with respect to telecommunications
  • the use and application of new technologies in remote contexts
  • data on digital inclusion
  • other concerns/issues in the digital inclusion, broadcasting and media spaces.

Your views will help develop the final roadmap, which the Advisory Group hopes to launch by the end of the year.

Submissions can be made in writing

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