In collaboration with the Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre in Bucharest, NATO held the first edition of the NATO Resilience Course for Civil Experts, from 6 to 10 November 2023. The course involved 25 subject-matter experts who provide expertise across NATO's seven Baseline Requirements for national resilience, covering civil protection, communications, transportation, mass movement, health, energy, food and water supply.

The course is a part of the NATO 2030 agenda to support Allies' commitment to resilience. It is delivered through enhanced engagement, training and education for NATO Resilience Civil Experts. The NATO Civil Experts pool is comprised of nearly 500 subject-matter experts with in-depth knowledge on matters related to NATO's seven Baseline Requirements for resilience and provides a unique capability for Allies and partners to access.
The course helps prepare NATO Civil Experts in providing consultations for Allied nations, in implementing the Alliance Resilience Objectives that were endorsed at the Vilnius Summit. These experts also provide support to NATO partner nations in their resilience building efforts.