First Tender Released For Upgrades To UTAS Stadium

Nic Street, Minister for Sport and Events

A tender to deliver matchday facility upgrades at Launceston's University of Tasmania (UTAS) Stadium has been released, marking a key milestone in the project.

The Australian and Tasmanian governments have each committed $65 million to redevelop and upgrade UTAS Stadium.

The matchday facilities upgrade tender is the first to be released as part of the redevelopment.

These works will occur within the existing Carlton and United Breweries Stand to upgrade the facilities to tier 2 sporting code guidelines.

Upgrades will include refurbished change rooms for umpires, officials and players, including medical, massage and strapping rooms, a briefing room, and warm-up and training spaces.

Future infrastructure upgrades, including the new centre west stand, will be part of a Development Application that will be lodged with Launceston City Council later this year.

Infrastructure Tasmania is seeking tenders from suitably qualified construction contractors to complete the Matchday Facility Upgrades, with construction expected to begin in October 2024.

The tender will close on Friday 19 July 2024.

The transfer of UTAS Stadium from the City of Launceston to Stadiums Tasmania is progressing and expected to be finalised in the coming months.

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