The Albanese Labor Government has welcomed the repatriation of five First Nations ancestors returned from two German collecting institutions.
A cultural ceremony was hosted at the Ethnological Museum in Berlin to acknowledge the return of the ancestors.
The Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation returned three ancestors, including two Ugaram Le Omasker ancestors with provenance to Ugar Island in the Torres Strait and the State Museum for Nature and People, Oldenburg returned two ancestors.
A delegation of community representatives from Ugar Island travelled to Germany to receive their ancestors and accompany them home.
The other three ancestors were returned under Australian Government stewardship and will be cared for closer to home until such time as they can be returned to their Traditional Custodians and Country.
Australia's National Cultural Policy acknowledges the importance of respecting and promoting the rights of First Nations people to repatriate their ancestors back to their homelands.
The repatriation of First Nations ancestors is part of an ongoing global dialogue to work towards healing and recognising the injustices of the past.
With this repatriation, 1,735 First Nations ancestors have been returned from overseas, including 162 ancestors from German collecting institutions.
Facilitating the international repatriation of ancestors is part of the Albanese Labor Government's commitment to upholding the principles of the United Nation's Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Quotes attributable to Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke MP
"First Nations ancestors belong at home on their Country. This return is another step on the road towards reconciliation.
"The Albanese Labor Government will always continue efforts to repatriate First Nations ancestors from across the globe.
"Thank you to all involved for your commitment to supporting the ongoing discussions that enable the return of First Nations ancestors back home."
Quotes attributable to Minister for Indigenous Australians, Senator Malarndirri McCarthy
"Every repatriation is important because it means another part of our history that was stolen from us is returned, bringing dignity and respect to the First Nations people affected.
"These ancestors are coming home to where they should be - on their Country and with their people.
"I commend all parties for their work toward this successful outcome."
Quotes attributable to Ugar Island Representative, Tomson Stephen
"Returning ancestors to Country is part of the process to progress healing and truth-telling in Australia of the past injustices to First Nations People.
"The return of our Ugaram Le Omasker ancestors is significant for our community as it will bring healing and peace to our people and ancestors."
Quotes attributable to Ugar Island Representative, Uncle Sereako Stephen
"It is time to return our ancestors to their descendants and their community. These ancestors were removed without consent, and now they are coming home.
"We thank everyone who has been involved in this journey of returning our ancestors back to their Traditional Custodians and Country, as this is true reconciliation in action."