Fixed-Wing Ambulance Links Regional Victorians to Care

Ambulance Victoria aircraft

Four new Ambulance Victoria aircraft are now soaring across the skies to deliver care to those in need.

Two Beechcraft King Air 260C and two 360C aircraft have officially replaced a fixed-wing air fleet that served Victorians for more than 12 years as part of a $345 million contract.

Fitted with that latest technology to ensure the comfort, safety and care of patients, each of these planes has an advanced mechanical stretcher loading system, which helps reduce patient transfer times.

With a maximum range of 3185 kilometres and top speed of 574 kilometres per hour, these new craft will particularly benefit those needing care or transfers in rural areas that are beyond the range of helicopters.

The planes also feature Australian-first pilot fatigue detection systems (PFDS), which alerts the pilot and crew if the pilot is showing early signs of fatigue.

Ambulance Victoria's fixed-wing fleet provides critical emergency response and patient transfer services, which were utilised by 5,355 patients in the 2023-24 reporting year.

Established in 1962, Ambulance Victoria's Air Ambulance service began with a fleet of just two planes and has grown over the years to include four fixed-wing planes and five helicopters.

Toll Aviation is Ambulance Victoria's new fixed-wing aircraft partner, following its acquisition of Pel-Air in late 2024.

Ambulance Victoria aircraft

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