Fixing Bruce - $9 Billion Safety Package Kicks Off

Minister for Transport and Main Roads The Honourable Brent Mickelberg

The Albanese Labor Government and Crisafulli Queensland Governments are delivering on our promise to fix the Bruce Highway, with work to begin on the first set of safety upgrades in the $9 billion Bruce Highway Safety Package.

In January, the Federal and State Governments committed $7.2 billion and $1.8 billion respectively to fix Queensland's Bruce Highway.

Today, we're getting on with the job by investing an initial $300 million in early works and planning including 16 new projects between Gympie and Innisfail that include wide centre line treatments between Rungoo and Mourilyan, overtaking lanes between Ayr and Brandon and a new heavy vehicle rest area in Gin Gin as well as pavement and culvert strengthening. Construction will commence immediately.

A further seven projects will progress preconstruction and design activities for future safety works.

This funding builds on the existing funding already committed by the Australian and Queensland Governments to the Bruce Highway.

Today the Albanese Government is also announcing we are providing an additional $200 million to ensure the full delivery of the Rockhampton Ring Road, taking the Commonwealth's total contribution to almost $1.4 billion.

The Rockhampton Ring Road is a transformative project for Central Queensland, and this additional contribution will ensure the necessary funds are available to deliver the project, which will reduce travel times, improve road safety and flood resilience and open up new travel routes to key leisure, retail and education facilities.

On top of these announcements, the Australian and Queensland governments are getting on with delivering transport infrastructure for Central Queensland. This includes today announcing the release of Commonwealth funding to kick off work on essential projects in the region, including:

  • $38 million to kick off early works for the critical Beef Roads;
  • $188 million to get started on the Bruce Highway – Gladstone to Rockhampton Upgrades;
  • $37 million to get started on upgrading sections of the Capricorn Highway.

Projects in the Bruce Highway early works package have been identified by investment priorities from the Bruce Highway 15-year Vision and Action Plans .

Full details of the overall $9 billion package will be developed in consultation between the Australian and Queensland governments, and the Bruce Highway Advisory Council providing advice.

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