Resilience NSW will open a dedicated Flood Recovery Centre in Mullumbimby from Monday 7 March 2022.
"The establishment of the NSW Government's Flood Recovery Centre is good news for residents and businesses but we first need to acknowledge the tremendous work of the Resilient Byron network," Byron Shire Mayor, Michael Lyon, said.
"I would like to thank Resilient Byron for the incredible work they have done, and are continuing to do, for our community.
"The NSW Government was working behind the scenes to set up an official Flood Recovery Centre," Mayor Lyon said.
"Resilient Byron was there first and Luke and Ella, supported by an army of volunteers, worked day and night to secure, coordinate and provide the immediate support our people needed such as food, clothes, bedding, accommodation, emotional support, and much more.
"What they achieved is nothing short of a miracle and it's impossible to overstate how vitally important they have been since the floods hit and on behalf of Council and our community, I offer our sincerest thanks and gratitude," Mayor Lyon said.
"I know people in some parts of our Shire are still isolated and facing immense challenges and Council, the Australian Defence Force (ADF), NSW Public Works, SES and other agencies are working as fast as they can to help them.
The formation of this Flood Recovery Centre means we are moving into the next stage which is the recovery phase," he said.
The Flood Recovery Centre will provide face-to-face support for Byron Shire residents, including information on:
- Clean-up services
- Financial help
- Insurance and legal support
- Business support
- Mental health and well-being support.
The Flood Recovery Centre at Mullumbimby will service the entire Byron Shire.People will be able to ask questions and get support and experts will be available to guide people through how they get access to grants and programs that are available or anything else they need.
Flood Recovery Centre at Mullumbimby to open from Monday 7 March
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