Flood Warnings Issued For Some Parts Of Gold Coast


Gold Coasters are being warned there is a risk of moderate to major flooding in some parts of the Gold Coast.

An emergency flood warning was issued for people in Currumbin, Currumbin Valley, Tallebudgera, Tallebudgera Valley and Elanora to take action now and go inside and high up.

The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted the intense rain will continue on Sunday evening and ease on Monday afternoon.

All Gold Coast residents are urged for their safety to keep an eye out for hazards, drive to the conditions and stay informed.

Do not play in floodwaters. Do not go near stormwater drains.

There are trees and powerlines down and a number of traffic lights at intersections are out.

On Sunday afternoon more than 84,000 properties on the Gold Coast remain without power. This is down from 140,000 on Saturday.

If you see a fallen powerline, report it immediately by calling Energex. Do not touch a fallen powerline directly or with another object.

The City opened Relief Centres on Monday. Their opening hours are 8am to 5pm.

Relief Centres can be used for charging of medical equipment and essential communications:

Queensland Health has advised if power loss results in a medical emergency, go to a nearby hospital immediately to receive care.

If it is not a medical emergency, and you just need power to charge your medical device, use all other options first. The hospital should be the last option for this circumstance.

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