Food Empire Donates S$200K to NUS for Future F&B Leaders

2024 0307 Food Empire bursary

2024 0307 Food Empire bursary
Professor Zhou Weibiao (right), Head of the NUS Department of Food Science and Technology, presents a token of appreciation to Mr Tan Wang Cheow (left), Executive Chairman of Food Empire, in appreciation of the company's generous gift towards nurturing future food science talents.

The National University of Singapore (NUS) has received a generous gift of S$200,000 from global F&B leader Food Empire to nurture future innovators for the food and beverage sector through education. The gift will be used to establish the "Food Empire Food Science & Technology Bursary" to provide financial support for undergraduates at the NUS Faculty of Science pursuing Food Science and Technology as a major. By providing these students with the resources to pursue their passion and excel in their studies, the Bursary will empower these aspiring food scientists to unlock their full potential and emerge as the next generation of industry leaders.

"We are deeply grateful to Food Empire for their generous gift, which will create a transformative impact on the lives of our students. We are committed to preparing our students to become innovative leaders capable of tackling tomorrow's food challenges, and industry partnerships like this are invaluable in realising this vision. We look forward to strengthening our collaboration with Food Empire to expand opportunities for our students and drive groundbreaking advancements in food science research," said Professor Zhou Weibiao, Head of the NUS Department of Food Science and Technology (NUS FST).

Beyond providing financial support for students, Food Empire will also explore research collaborations with NUS FST, creating pathways for innovation that will benefit students, as well as the broader industry and consumers.

Mr Tan Wang Cheow, Executive Chairman of Food Empire, said: "The Bursary enables us to give back to the community by providing financial assistance to students who have shown great potential and a strong interest in pursuing a career in our field, and creating opportunities for skills development and innovation for them. We hope our support will inspire the next generation of industry leaders to achieve new breakthroughs in food sciences that will raise Singapore's profile in the global food and beverage industry."

This Bursary is just a slice of Food Empire's hearty commitment to social responsibility. The company actively contributes to the community through various initiatives, for example, staff from Food Empire had volunteered to clean, declutter, and repaint the home of a beneficiary of non-profit organisation Helping Joy. The company had also supported Singapore's 59th National Day celebrations in the heartlands.

Through these community initiatives and the establishment of the Bursary, Food Empire exemplifies its commitment to driving meaningful social impact. By investing in education today, the company is laying the foundation for a future driven by innovation and excellence in food science and technology, ensuring that Singapore remains at the forefront of the global F&B industry.

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