Food Trading Permits Open at Officer District Park

Cardinia Shire Council is now accepting expressions of interest from mobile coffee, ice cream, and food businesses interested in operating at the new Officer District Park on Lansell Avenue.

Three exclusive site-specific roadside trading permits are available, one each for a coffee truck, an ice cream truck, and a food van. Successful applicants will be granted permission to operate in designated areas within the park for three months, from 12 April 2025 to 12 July 2025.

Businesses that secure a permit will be able to serve park visitors from a prime location in the dedicated food truck area, bringing delightful treats and refreshments to those enjoying the natural surroundings. Business operators at Officer District Park will be required to apply for a Roadside Trading Permit. Please note that only three permits will be issued for this location, and any additional trading on-site will not be allowed.

All interested businesses are encouraged to apply and contribute to enhancing the experience at Officer District Park, a vibrant new destination for both the community and visitors.

Expressions of interest close on Monday, 31 March, at 5pm.

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