Everyone has a role in preventing harmful pests and diseases from entering Australia. Instilling this sense of shared responsibility from a young age is one of the key defences we have against biosecurity incursions that threaten our agriculture and unique environment.
The threat of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) was recently featured in the long-running ABC youth news program Behind The News, in an excellent video about FMD tailored especially for young minds.
The 4-minute video aimed at school children features our head of Pathway Policy for Travellers, Mail and Imported Food, Vikki Fischer. She explains why the current FMD outbreak in Indonesia is a threat and why we want to keep it out.
The video details measures travellers will see at our international airports when arriving home from overseas, such as foot baths, luggage screening and our detector dogs.
It also covers how travellers can shop and pack responsibly before coming home, so they don't inadvertently bring in FMD or other pests and diseases that could affect livestock, crops, native species and our way of life.
We think it's a great biosecurity message for all young Aussies, not just those going on overseas holidays soon. Thanks for helping to spread this important biosecurity message.
Watch the video now, and share it with keen young minds to encourage a generation of biosecurity champions now and into the future.
Visit our FMD page