Ford Hardtop Celebrates 50-year Milestone In Tasmania

Tasmanian Government

Motorsports enthusiasts from across the country and overseas have flocked to Tasmania to celebrate 50 years of the Ford Hardtop.

The 2025 anniversary has coincided with 100 years of Ford in Australia and is being celebrated with a string of events including a Hardtop Car Show at Parliament House Lawns and Motorkhana at Baskerville Raceway.

Minister for Sports and Events, Nick Duigan, said the Tasmanian Government was proud to support the event which has brought car enthusiasts to our State.

"It's great that we could celebrate these two important anniversaries in Tasmania with an entertaining program of events for motorsports fans," Minister Duigan said.

"Motorsports events continue to be a popular fixture on our calendar and bring significant economic and social benefits to our state.

Our Government has a strong history of backing Tasmanian motorsport and in the last few years, has provided funding for 17 motorsport events.

"Major events such as Targa Tasmania, supported through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, are a huge drawcard. These important events attract thousands of visitors who then go on to explore our regions," Minister Duigan said.

"We are also a proud supporter of the Ford Coupe Club of Australia and have assisted the delivery of this year's Ford Hardtop Anniversary Tasmania with a total of $20,000."

Events at the Hardtop Motorkhana at Baskerville Raceway this weekend included a thrilling race between Tasmania Police's Holden Police vehicle and the Ford Hardtops.

The 2025 Ford Hardtop Anniversary Tasmania takes place from 21 March to 24 March in Hobart and its surrounding areas.

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