Four Charged in NSW/ACT Gun Manufacturing Ring Bust

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NSW Police have charged four people for their alleged role in an illegal firearm manufacturing ring on the NSW/ACT border.

In October 2024, Strike Force Calpe was established to investigate the manufacture and supply of privately-manufactured firearms and firearms parts in the Monaro Police District.

Following extensive inquiries, from 6.45am yesterday (Tuesday 4 March 2025), Southern Region Enforcement Squad with assistance from Southern Operations Support Group, Monaro Police District, State Crime Drug and Firearms Squad executed four search warrants in Queanbeyan, Gundaroo and Nanima.

About 6.55am, officers arrested a 60-year-old man at a Crest Road, Queanbeyan address, he was taken to Queanbeyan Police Station. Police seized four privately-made firearms and two printed firearm parts and electronic devices containing the blueprints to 3D printed prohibited firearms. He was charged with six offences - including five counts of unauthorised supply of pistol and unlawfully sell firearm parts. He was refused bail to appear in Cooma Local Court today (Wednesday 5 March 2025).

About 7.45am, officers arrested a 31-year-old man at a home in Queanbeyan. A Taser was deployed to effect his arrest when he allegedly attempted to escape. Police seized seven prohibited pistol firearms allegedly from his vehicle parked in the driveway. Police also searched a garage in the backyard which police will allege was used to manufacture privately-made firearms. Police seized multiple firearm parts, ammunition and methylamphetamines. He was taken to Queanbeyan Police Station and charged with 23 offences – including eight counts of acquire prohibited firearm part no authority to do so and two counts of unauthorised supply of firearm part and possess unregistered firearms, 1 is prohibited/pistol. He was refused bail to appear in Cooma Local Court today (Wednesday 5 March 2025).

About 8.30am officers arrested a 27-year-old man at a home in Sibley Road, Gundaroo. Police seized 27 registered firearms, more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition and 850 shotgun shells. He was taken to Queanbeyan Police Station and charged with 12 offences including unlawfully sell firearm parts 3 times or more within 1 year, supply ammunition to person not authorised, two counts of possess or use a prohibited weapon without permit, possess unauthorised prohibited firearm. He was refused bail to appear in Cooma Local Court today (Wednesday 5 March 2025).

About 10.10am, a 34-year-old man was arrested near a property in Nanima. Police searched a utility and premises, allegedly seizing a commercial quantity of cocaine and more than $26,500 in cash. He was charged with 12 offences including the supply of prohibited drug (large commercial quantity), recklessly deal with proceeds of crime (more than $5000), possess unauthorised pistol, and possess ammunition without holding licence/permit/authority. He was refused bail to appear in Cooma Local Court today (Wednesday 5 March 2025).

Officers from ACT Criminal Investigations, ACT Firearms Registry, Proactive Intervention and Diversion Team, with assistance from AFP Forensics, executed search warrants at a residence in Gungahlin and business premises in Mitchell. More than $100,000 in cash and prohibited weapons were located and seized during the warrants, and breaches under the Firearms Act 1996 (ACT) relating to the storage, licencing and permits of firearms and firearm parts were also identified.

New South Wales Police Force's Southern Region Operations Manager, Detective Superintendent Tim Beattie, said these arrests sends a strong message to those involved in the illicit supply of firearms.

"This has been a lengthy investigation from a number of specialist units within the NSW Police to dismantle an alleged organise crime syndicate.

"We will allege the group was privately-manufacturing illegal firearms in New South Wales and supplying illegal firearms in NSW and across the border in the ACT. With assistance from ACT Police we have taken a significant number of illegal firearms off the streets," Supt Beattie said.

"We know in the wrong hands firearms can have a devastating and deadly impact on communities. We encourage members of the community to contribute to combatting illicit firearms and provide information to police by calling on Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000."

Inquiries into Strike Force Calpe continue.

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