Frank Crawley elected Mayor at Murray River Council

Murray River Council

Murray River Council enters the final year of the council term with a newly elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

Cr Frank Crawley was elected as Mayor unopposed and Cr Neil Gorey was elected Deputy Mayor unopposed.

Mayor Crawley, who served out the last year as Deputy Mayor, says he looks forward to the coming year and working towards ongoing council goals.

"Although there are leadership changes in the chambers, we remain a positive and supportive team who are well equipped to deal with continuing challenges and new opportunities."

"I look forward to working with fellow councillors and the administration to support development and growth across the area whist further working towards strengthening our ongoing financial viability."

"I would also like to thank Cr Bilkey for his invaluable guidance as Mayor over the last 6 years. He has put a lot of energy into his role and his passion and support for the local community is a credit to him."

"He has the ability to think strategically across social, economic and environmental issues and has been widely recognised amongst our peers for his leaderships and advocacy efforts; particularly with regard to the development of RAMJO's Water Position Paper and his leadership through the flood and pandemic events."

Cr Bilkey thanked the councillors and the community for their support as he exited his role as mayor.

"It has been an incredible privilege serving as mayor, filled with challenges and triumphs, and I am honoured to have led this council team over the current and previous term."

"As I pass on the torch, I have every confidence in the new leadership of our progressive council team."

The current council term ends next year, with Council elections scheduled for September 2024.

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