SafeWork NSW, Building Commission NSW, and TAFE NSW have partnered to provide an online 'Asbestos Awareness and Safety' course free to the public to increase awareness of the safety risks relating to asbestos.
This short self-directed online course, called a microskill, is aimed at anyone likely to encounter asbestos in their workplace.
It is hosted on the Construct NSW digital learning platform, part of a wider suite of courses built in collaboration with the Department of Customer Service and Building Commission NSW.
The NSW Government priority is to ensure the safety of workers and the community when managing asbestos.
Recent reports of asbestos in mulching products has highlighted the need for readily available asbestos awareness training.
The 'Asbestos Awareness and Safety' microskill will be free to anyone in Australia for a period of 3 months, with the potential for extension pending public demand.
The 2-and-a-half-hour course covers:
- recognising the risk and serious long-term impacts of asbestos exposure
- recognising the roles, responsibilities, and legislation for asbestos related work
- how to determine if asbestos containing material may be present
- identifying asbestos containing materials and hazardous activities that lead to asbestos exposure
- identifying suitable control measures for asbestos and asbestos containing materials (ACM)
- how to safely handle asbestos and ACM
- inspecting worksites and communicating asbestos risks and asbestos controls with an informed perspective.
Completion of the course provides asbestos awareness training. Further training is required to conduct licensed asbestos removal work.
Members of the public can register for the course at TAFE NSW.
NSW Minister for Work Health and Safety, Sophie Cotsis said:
"Everyone should know how to identify, and if necessary, handle asbestos in their home, workplace or in a public place because of the serious health issues this substance can cause.
"I fully endorse the proactive approach by SafeWork to ensure asbestos education is increased in the community and ensure this course is free."
NSW Minister for Building, Anoulack Chanthivong said:
"Helping to develop and deliver this program is part the mandate we've given Building Commission NSW to ensure all those in the industry are up to date with rules and regulations designed to protect residents, workers and communities.
"Building Commission NSW is even more than just a tough cop on the beat, it's also tasked with lifting skills across the sector. This fully discounted course on the Construct NSW digital learning platform provides greater opportunities for everyone, including small businesses and individuals, to upskill when it comes to asbestos risk."
NSW Minister for Skills, TAFE, and Tertiary Education, Steve Whan said:
"This announcement reiterates the NSW Government's commitment to providing training solutions for local communities across NSW.
"TAFE NSW will provide free access to this course, making it easier than ever for the community to gain asbestos awareness training."
Head of SafeWork NSW, Trent Curtin, said:
"Asbestos is still found in 1 in 3 homes in Australia, meaning that everyone should know how to properly identify and safely handle products containing asbestos.
"Making the 'Asbestos Awareness and Safety' microskill course free and readily available ensures everyone who comes across potentially hazardous asbestos are equipped with the knowledge to manage the situation.
"Even if it is not a part of your day-to-day duties, knowledge on the proper processes for the management of asbestos is something you can use to not only protect your own health, but the health of those around you."