Free Bicycle Workshop Coming To Leeton

Leeton Shire Council

Bicycle Workshop Leeton March 2025.jpg

Leeton Shire Council in conjunction with Cycling Australia is pleased to offer children aged 5 - 14 years old the opportunity to participate in a cycling workshop in Leeton.

The workshop is planned to be held on Sunday, 16 March, at the bicycle training facility (near Rotary Park). Two sessions are planned; one to begin at 9am and the second session commencing at 10.30am.

The sessions will incorporate safety, skills and road rules into roughly equal segments. The safety segment will focus on helmets, safe riding and safety tips. The skills will be purely practical and help guide kids around a fun marked out safety course which will aim to increase awareness of braking, stopping, obstacles and interactions with other road users. The road rules section will aim to increase awareness of kids' knowledge of the basic road rules relevant to bicycle use.

Session 1 at 9.00am will be for early starters which is aimed at younger kids K-Year 4 in primary school who are still using training wheels or don't feel fully confident on their bicycle yet.

Session 2 at 10.30am will be for young riders which is aimed at kids Year 3 to 6 (but could be in Year 2 or early high school) who can ride unassisted but could benefit from increased skills, awareness and understanding to use a bicycle more safely.

"There are more families than ever using the cycle track and training facility for fun and fitness. This event is planned to encourage even more residents to take advantage of these wonderful assets within our community," said Road Safety Officer Steph Puntoriero.

The workshops will be run free of charge and aim to help kids learn new skills to assist them in riding their bikes with more confidence and safely around our shire.

Pre-registration is a must for this workshop and you can register by visiting

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