Free Courses Boost Maternal, Newborn Health

World Health Day, celebrated on 7 April 2025, will launch a year-long campaign focused on maternal and newborn health. The campaign, titled Healthy beginnings, hopeful futures, aims to encourage governments and the health community to intensify efforts to prevent maternal and newborn deaths. It also emphasizes the importance of prioritizing women's long-term health and well-being.

Explore the WHO Academy's free courses on maternal and newborn health. Click on the links below to register for your preferred course.

Maternal and newborn health courses

Infection Prevention and Control in Maternal and Neonatal Care

Respectful maternity and newborn care

Medical Abortion

Integration of a human-rights based approach to comprehensive abortion care

Oral Health Care of Pregnant Women and Newborns

Accelerating elimination of congenital syphilis: ensuring adequate diagnosis and treatment

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