Free Flu Vaccinations 14 March

From April, Council is providing free flu vaccines to eligible people, including young children and seniors.

In 2024, we provided 2076 flu vaccinations, mostly to young children. Protect your family this winter and book a flu vaccine.

People eligible for the free flu vaccine are:

  • children from 6 months old to under 5 years
  • seniors aged 65 years or older
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • pregnant women
  • people (at least 6 months old) with medical conditions that may increase the risk of flu complications (eg severe asthma, low immunity)

You may need to provide evidence to receive the free flu vaccination at Council. Our Health Services team will advise you of this before your appointment.

If you are not eligible for the free flu vaccine, our fee is $35.

Bookings can be made easily online.

Available dates are:

  • Tuesday 15 April
  • Tuesday 29 April
  • Tuesday 6 May
  • Tuesday 13 May
  • Tuesday 20 May
  • Tuesday 27 May
  • Tuesday 3 June
  • Tuesday 17 June

For more information, visit Flu vaccinations at Knox .

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