FREE Realistic Nipple Tattooing for Breast Cancer Survivors

Survivors Ink is a not for profit charity organisation, dedicated to providing breast cancer survivors with FREE realistic nipple tattooing, Australia wide.

Unfortunately, cancer doesn’t stop affecting lives at the completion of treatment. So many breast cancer survivors and their loved ones continue to experience both financial and emotional hardship as a result of their unfortunate collision with cancer treatment. At Survivor’s Ink, we acknowledge and respect the magnitude of issues that a woman must face in the recovery phase of her breast cancer.

One avenue of recovery in which we are able to make a difference, is the completion phase of reconstructive surgery. After surgery, most women are left without nipple/(s), and in place of this, may have traumatic scars, in which they must face each day. Cosmetic tattooing offers women the chance to complete their reconstructive journey. Sadly, many survivors are unable to consider cosmetic tattooing (and sometimes the reconstructive surgery altogether), due to the exorbitant costs associated.

Survivors Inks aim is to provide free realistic nipple tattooing to all Australians effected by breast cancer and aid in their physical and emotional recovery, free of charge. Survivors Tattoos:

Tattooing Benefits (as described by survivors)

· Awakened confidence

· Reclaimed sexuality

· Feeling beautiful (and womanly) once more

· No more visible scars

· Feeling whole again

· Closure (significantly important).

Due to the lack of suitably qualified Tattoo Artists, Survivors Ink is seeking the support of Oncology Departments, Hospitals, Tattoo Studios and Medical Facilities, in each state and territory of Australia. We aim to provide a fly in fly out service, to breast cancer survivors in all capital cities and some rural locations, on an annual basis.

Survivors Ink is the charity division of Tatts On Tatts Off Pty Ltd and is fully insured and licenced to conduct free realistic nipple tattooing, Australia wide. Since establishment, we have serviced approximately 180+ men and women Australia wide, with demand continuing to grow on a daily basis.

In 2017 it was estimated that 17, 586 women and 144 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer**, so many of these woman, will undergo some form of lifesaving lumpectomy or mastectomy surgery.

Without the continued support Oncology Departments, Hospitals, Tattoo Studios and Medical Facilities we simply cannot continue to provide free realistic nipple tattooing.

Survivors Ink would like to continue our positively impactful work. We want to ensure that empowerment, completion and emotional recovery is attainable to breast cancer survivors around Australia.

We ask for your considered support in order for Survivors Ink to continue providing this important phase of the cancer recovery, free of charge – healing breast cancer survivors, one tattoo at a time.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you further, please feel free to contact myself personally via the detail provided. ---

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) may be of a point-in-time nature, edited for clarity, style and length. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s). View in full here.