NSW Farmers is calling forurgent action to eradicate fire ants after yet another detection of theinsidious pests on the North Coast.
According to the NSW Government, Red Imported Fire Ants were discovered inpallets of turf being installed this week on a private property on the NorthCoast, 53 kilometres from the Queensland border.
In an official statement, the government said the NSW Fire Ant Program teamlocated and removed six queens as well as worker ants from turf on theproperty, after landscape contractors detected and reported the ants at thesite.
NSW Farmers President Xavier Martin said it was yet another critical breach ofthe state's biosecurity controls, further endangering lives andlivelihoods.
"Red Imported Fire Ants are an incredibly dangerous invasive pest - they are athreat to people, animals and the environment, and they must be eradicated asquickly as possible," Mr Martin said.
"These insidious pests can damage agricultural equipment, sting livestock, ruinthe natural environment, and pose a serious risk to the health and wellbeing ofall people in NSW, so we simply cannot keep letting them slip through ourborders.
"This is the third detection we've seen in less than a year, and enough isenough - they cannot come back again."
Mr Martin called on federal and state governments to ensure every resource wasavailable to support eradication efforts.
"NSW Farmers has been calling for increased efforts and competent resources tosecure prompt eradication of these ants, and our calls cannot continue to fallon deaf ears," Mr Martin said.
"DPIRD, with the full support of other critical agencies, must act quickly toeradicate these pests as they did at Port Botany in 2014, or else it's thewhole community that will face the consequences.
"Enforcing our biosecurity rules must be a top priority for governments, andanyone found to be doing the wrong thing and spreading these pests must beprosecuted."
People across Australia are strongly encouraged to remain vigilant for RedImported Fire Ants and are reminded of their legal responsibility to complywith biosecurity orders. Suspected fire ant sites in NSW should be reported tothe NSW Government on 1800 680 244.