The City of Hobart plans to carry out a fuel reduction burn on Tolmans Hill in bushland between Woodcutters Road, Hakea and Pulchella drives on Tuesday 7 May 2024.
This burn is critical to protect homes immediately adjacent to blue gum and white peppermint forest.
This forest has remained unburnt since the 1998 Ridgeway/Mt Nelson bushfire.
Some smoke may be produced during and after the burn, however, we will make every effort to minimise the impact on nearby areas.
The map below shows the planned burn site, which may be closed for a number of days due to significant hazards involved with fire management operations.
Please follow track closure signs to help us keep everyone safe.
Please note that should the weather on the day not be suitable, the proposed burn will be rescheduled to a future date when conditions allow.
The fuel reduction burn is part of our efforts to protect Hobart's community, visitors and the natural environment from the risk of destructive bushfire.
Your health
Our team takes great care in planning and conducting fuel reduction burns, which reduce bushfire hazards in our bushland reserves and close to residential areas. We make every effort to reduce the impacts of our burns on nearby residents.
If you or your family have medical conditions please consider having a personal plan for avoiding smoke generated by fuel reduction burns.
You can get help developing a plan from:
- Department of Health