Full Steam Ahead For Port Of Grassy Study

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is delivering on its commitment to investigate the adequacy of a key piece of King Island infrastructure.

The Port of Grassy is critical infrastructure for King Island, facilitating the safe docking of vessels for freight, livestock and expedition cruise ships.

Minister for Infrastructure, Kerry Vincent, said Burbury Consulting had been engaged to lead a study on the port to ensure its viability for years to come.

"This important study will investigate any issues port users are facing, while identifying and assessing infrastructure and non-infrastructure solutions to improve the functionality of the port," he said.

"The stakeholder sessions are part of the $150,000 study into Grassy Port committed to by the Tasmanian Government during the 2024 election campaign.

"ERA Consulting will also work with Burbury to support the process for engaging with key stakeholders.

"A project introduction workshop will be held at King Island on Friday 21 March, giving port users and other key stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback on what is working, as well as what isn't, and where port users see opportunities to improve operations," he said.

It's expected a final project report will be delivered by mid-2025.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is building the infrastructure our growing State needs for generations to come as part of 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

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