Fun And Furry Friends At Pet Expo

A dog jumping over arms.

It promises to be a day full of fun, finding out, family and furry friends when Kingston's Pet Expo returns to Kingston Heath Reserve on Saturday 29 March.

This free event will feature pet competitions, kids' activities, demonstrations, interactive talks, and specialty stalls. You can also find out more about all the pet-related services council offers our residents.

Renew and register your pets at the information booth for a chance to win pet store vouchers, hampers and gold class movie tickets.


9am: Dog Behaviour Talk hosted by Lost Dogs Home

9.15am: Southside Dog School

9.30am: Pet Separation Anxiety Talk hosted by Lost Dogs Home

10am: Black Snake – Wildlife Talk

10.30am: American Staffy Club Demonstration

11am: Search and Rescue Dogs Australia Demonstration

11.15am: Cat Behaviour Talk hosted by Lost Dogs Home

11.30am: Black Snake – Wildlife Talk

12pm: Welcome/Competitions

  • Best trick
  • Best pet/owner lookalike
  • Biggest pet
  • Smallest pet
  • Best dressed (superhero theme for 2025)
  • Colouring competition

12.45pm: Announcement of registration winners

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