There'll be fun, sport and inspiration at our new event bringing together a range of inclusive and all abilities activities for everybody.
Join us from 9.30am to 12.30pm Sunday 26 November at the Bayside Corporate Centre and Royal Avenue Reserve, Royal Ave Sandringham.
Come and try some of these fabulous activities:
- Try your hand at handball targets and have a kick with the St Kilda Football Club SaintsPlay coaches, including current AFL Blind Team Captain. SaintsPlay is an inclusive, fun, footy program for children with developmental challenges that enhances social connectivity & confidence in participants.
- The Melbourne Stars Truck delivers a fun, engaging and inclusive experience with music, colour and fan fare - classic catches, the bowling tunnel and a visit by Starman. You can also find out about Melbourne Stars' upcoming matches.
- Did you know there is a 65% chance you will know the person you are doing CPR on? Visit Community First Responders Australia at Everybody Moves and learn how to recognise and act in an emergency, have a go at performing CPR and apply a defibrillator. With only four minutes until brain starts to die, a person's chance of survival is in our hands.
You can also check out other inclusive and accessible activities for kids and adults at Everybody Moves including with:
- Sandringham & District Netball Association
- Special Olympics Victoria
- Bayside Pickleball Club
- Bayley House and Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program
- Disability Sport Australia
- Scouts Australia
- Better Health Network
- NDIS services
- - creative pathways for employment for young people with a disability.
There'll also be a sausage sizzle, coffee van music, activities and much more.
So come along for a morning of fun, energy and inclusion.
Thanks to our Everybody Moves partners

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