Funding Available For Sporting Club Recovery

Minister for Sport and Racing and Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic Games The Honourable Tim Mander

Funding available for sporting club recovery

  • Immediate funding assistance available for eligible sport and recreation organisations impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
  • Grants of up to $5000 available through the Queensland Government's Disaster Recovery Program.
  • Program designed to help clubs with immediate clean-up efforts.

The Crisafulli Government is delivering immediate funding support to sport and recreation organisations affected by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

Grants of up to $5000 are available to help eligible not-for-profit organisations in disaster-declared areas with their clean-up efforts.

There are about 5000 clubs in affected areas across South East Queensland, and work is underway to determine how many were damaged during the severe weather event.

Further financial assistance will be considered once damage assessments are completed to ensure clubs are fully operational as soon as possible for their communities.

Minister for Sport Tim Mander encouraged all eligible clubs to apply for help through the Disaster Recovery Program.

"The Crisafulli Government promised no daylight between our response to ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred and the recovery," Minister Mander said.

"We want to ensure every community returns to normal life quickly, including our local sporting organisations.

"These grants offer financial assistance to help with those recovery efforts.

"We also thank the volunteers who are working incredibly hard to get these clubs back up and running."

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