Funding Boost for Veteran Advocacy: Minister Keogh

Department of Veterans' Affairs


Ex-service organisations (ESOs) can now apply for a share in over $4.8 million through the Albanese Government's Building Excellence in Support and Training (BEST) Grants Program.

This funding will help ESOs to advocate for veterans and their families as well as assist with their entitlements and compensation claims.

The Program is part of our commitment to ensuring veterans have easy access to qualified advocates who can work with them to navigate the claims process, and receive the support they need faster.

Funding delivered through the BEST grants program can be used by ESOs for staff salaries as well as administrative costs associated with the delivery of advocacy services, such as purchasing office equipment and domestic travel.

This program follows the passage of the VETS Act to simplify and harmonise Australia's veteran compensation system, making it faster and easier to understand for veterans, families and advocates.

Applications for the 2025-26 BEST Grants round are open now, and will close at 9.00 pm AEDT on 28 April 2025.

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