Funding For Events Announced

Horsham Rural City Council has approved a list of Community Event Grants for the year ahead, marking the first time HRCC has delivered standalone funding exclusively for locally-run events.

The Kanamaroo and Art Is… festivals, the Wimmera Music Eisteddfod and the Hot Summer Nights Rod Run were among the recipients.

A total of 29 Community Event grant applications were received, requesting a total of $131,317.

The budget allocation for Community Events funding for 2024-2025 is $73,000. Of this, a total of $69,960 is recommended to be allocated for 25 Community Events across the municipality.

Council has decided that there will be no second round of funding made available in November as the annual funding has been fully subscribed in the first allocation.

Council approved a revised Community Grants Policy in December 2023 that split the long-running Community Grants program into four streams: Community Development Grants, Community Events Grants, Youth Grants, and Quick Response Small Grants.

This year, in accordance with the revised 2024-2025 Community Grants Policy, the Community was invited to submit applications for grant funding for community events for the first time.

Mayor Robyn Gulline said it was an exciting time for Horsham, with the funded events set to bring a diverse range of cultural, sporting, and community activities to the region.

"The 2024-2025 Community Events Grants program will release significant money into the local economy," she said.

"The local expenditure resulting from this Council support will provide both an important economic stimulus as well as enable opportunities for participation and social connectivity.

"We look forward to seeing the successful projects coming to fruition over the next 12 months," Cr Gulline said.

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