Wagga Wagga's regionally significant Riverside playground is set to have new fencing installed around its entire perimeter, in line with one of the recommendations of revised Playground Strategy 2024-2044.
At its Ordinary Meeting on Monday 20 January, Council accepted grant funding of $42,000 under the NSW Government's Local Small Commitment Allocation (LSCA) Program for the Riverside Fencing Project.
Recreation Coordinator Joshua Walsh said Council also endorsed allocating $12,000 from the Parks and Recreation Renewal Budgets for the addition, with the total funding of $54,000 to be split over two financial years.
"Following the most recent community engagement, fencing at all Regional and Suburban-level playgrounds was included in the Playground Strategy, leading to the proposal for additional fencing to enclose the entire Riverside site," Mr Walsh said.
"This fencing design will carefully consider accessibility and usability of both the playground facilities and the adjacent open space.
"The proposed new fencing will also incorporate an open space area to ensure a balance between safety and usability is maintained."
The existing partial fencing at Riverside was installed based on assessments identifying areas of risk where barriers were required due to the proximity and access to the Wagga Beach area and river.
Fences aren't required around public playgrounds in New South Wales, but a risk assessment should be conducted to determine if one is needed based on location and risk profile.
"When the revised Playground Strategy was on public exhibition, one of the key themes of the feedback received from the community related to more fencing for playgrounds," Mr Walsh said.
"In response, we included a recommendation in the Strategy for the installation of playground fencing at our Regional and Suburban level playgrounds.
"It is estimated the implementation of this recommendation at the 10 playgrounds in those two categories will cost approximately $300,000."
"Riverside Playground is the first to be addressed, with the remaining playgrounds to be prioritised based on available budget, location, and risk profile."

The Regional and Suburban level playgrounds identified for fencing installation are located at Apex Park, the Botanic Gardens, Bedervale, Chambers Park, Forest Hill, Glenfield Park Oval, Henwood Park, Riverside Precinct and Webb Park – all in Wagga Wagga – and Paddy Osborne Park in Tarcutta.