Funding For Major Roads Projects In Tasmania

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Government has welcomed the Australian Government's commitment to major road projects in the 2025-26 Federal Budget including the Southern Outlet between Kingston and Tolmans Hill, and planning support for the River Tamar Crossing.

Minister for Infrastructure, Kerry Vincent, acknowledged the funding, which together with the Tasmanian Liberal Government's existing contributions under the 80:20 funding structure will ensure upgrades to multiple locations around the State.

"I welcome Federal Labor and Julie Collins catching up with infrastructure commitments we made during the 2024 State election. These projects will help Tasmanians get home to their loved ones safer and sooner," Minister Vincent said.

"I must say rolling out attack lines doesn't really suit Ms Collins, and I'd urge her to work collaboratively with us on road projects to benefit Tasmanians.

"One of the important projects already underway is our work on the Southern Outlet transit lane, and the $80 million announced in the federal budget adds to the $20 million already committed by the State Liberal Government to deliver a northbound transit lane from Kingston to Tolmans Hill.

"By providing a priority lane for buses, emergency vehicles and vehicles with three or more occupants we can reduce pressure on the two existing lanes and encourage a shift to public transport.

"It's a shame that the Tasmanian Labor Party would hand back this funding, noting they have been publicly opposed to the project."

Minister Vincent also welcomed the promise of $200 million for safety upgrades along the Arthur Highway, $27.2 million for upgrades along the Ridgley Highway and $10 million for Esk Main Road at St Mary's Pass.

"Tasmania's population has been growing quickly and the Tasmanian Liberal Government has a focus on building safer and more efficient roads as part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future."

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