Funding for remediation work at Cooma and Bombala Pools

Cooma & Bombala Pool - Composite.jpg

Thanks to the funding received through the NSW Government's Stronger Country Communities Fund (Rounds 2 & 4), the water treatment infrastructure at Cooma and Bombala Pools will be upgraded to ensure water treatment and filtration at the facilities meets requirements long into the future.

An investigation into the cost of enclosing Cooma and Bombala Pools estimated an additional cost of $4M – $5M to complete enclosure work under required building standards.

After many decades of serving the community, the treatment and filtration systems at these pool facilities are outdated and nearly worn out. This targeted funding from the NSW Government provided Snowy Monaro Regional Council with the financial resources to undertake critical studies to determine priority works to keep pools operational and up to current health and safety code.

Bombala Pool has been allocated $2,579,530 over the two rounds of funding, with a Council co-contribution bringing the total cost of the treatment and filtration upgrade to $2,971,713.

Cooma Pool has been allocated $2,465,310 over the two rounds of funding, with a Council co-contribution bringing the total cost the treatment and filtration upgrade to $2,836,183.

Snowy Monaro Regional Council has appointed NSW Public Works to oversee the management of these critical upgrades and have appointed Built Environment Collective to undertake design of the water treatment upgrades following a competitive tender process.

Pools in the Snowy Monaro are an important public amenity, provided to the community at a heavily subsidised rate at the general ratepayers' expense. A comprehensive strategy for our region's pools will also need to be developed to account for ongoing maintenance and future costs.

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